A Guide to the Wrike Sync Add-on

If you're a Wrike user, you can get integrations from Unito's standalone app or directly from Wrike's add-on. Here's more on the add-on. 

In this article:

What is the Wrike Sync add-on?

Wrike users can integrate their favorite work hub with other tools in one of two ways:

  • Through Unito's standalone platform: A dedicated solution with over 30 integrations, accessible through our home page.

  • The Wrike Sync add-on: A version of Unito bundled in with Wrike that has the same features, with some limitations.

To connect Wrike and/or another tool through Unito or Wrike Sync, users create flows. Flows represent the connection between Wrike and other tools comprised of four steps:

Supported integrations for Wrike Sync

Here are the integrations supported by the Wrike Sync add-on:

More integrations may become available in the future. Contact your Wrike sales representative to request more. To access Unito's full integration catalog, you'll need to get a plan directly from Unito.

Note: All flows built through the add-on must include Wrike. You couldn't build a flow integrating Jira and GitHub, for instance.

What are the differences between Wrike Sync and Unito Sync Platform?

Wrike's add-on is similar to Unito's paid plans, except for the following differences:

  • Wrike Sync users are automatically assigned a bot user account.

  • Unito permissions settings aren't available in the add-on.

  • The activity stream only keeps 1 day of history.  

The add-on does include some of Unito's most popular features, including custom fields, subtasks, and live syncing.

Note regarding workflow status: You can't sync workflow statuses from more than one custom workflow at a time.

So be sure all the tasks in your synced project or folder include statuses from either the default workflow or the same custom workflow in Wrike.

Here's how to see (and modify) which workflow your project or folder is using in Wrike:

Wrike Workflow Status

From the left-hand menu, click the more icon: ...

Wrike More Ellipsis

Then, Change default workflow > For tasks and choose the workflow you have in mind for the synced project or folder.

Usage limits and pricing

Pricing for the add-on is based on the number of seats in your Wrike plan. Beyond that, you can sync an unlimited number of projects, folders, and tasks. There is no limit to synced changes or active users.

Unito’s pricing is different, because of the increased number of integrations. Check out our pricing page — or reach out to our team — for more details.

Customer support options

When you use the Wrike Sync add-on, all customer support, onboarding sessions, and guidance are provided by Wrike. You'll still have access to Unito's Help Center.

When you get a plan directly from Unito, you get access to our specialized support and customer success teams. You can find details on our pricing page, under the support section.

How to access the Wrike Sync add-on

To access the Wrike Sync add-on, you must activate it from the subscriptions page in Wrike — more on this here. This will automatically create a Unito workspace where you can start building your first flow.

Note: If you started a trial through Unito's standalone platform, you can contact your Wrike representative to purchase the Wrike Sync add-on. They can move your trial over to your new subscription.

If you want to switch from the Wrike Sync add-on to a standalone subscription, just reach out! We'll help you get set up.

Simply click your profile picture in Wrike, then Apps & Integrations.

wrike sync add on

Necessary permissions

Make sure the project or folder is shared with the account you're using for your workflows. Also, because all projects and folders in Wrike are private by default, the ones you want to sync need to be shared with the account used to sync them.

Sync Wrike Custom Item Types

You can now sync custom item types in Wrike! Here's how:

Adjusting date-time formats in a Wrike Google Sheets integration

If you're syncing Wrike tasks to Google Sheets, you can adjust the date-time format in your spreadsheet to any format you wish.

  1. Open your sheet and select the column with your dates.
  2. Then click Format > Number > Custom date and time.
  3. From there you can choose the format you wish and apply it to all the cells in your date columns.

Screenshot of setting the date time format in Google Sheets for a Unito sync