Unito's Integration for HubSpot Tasks

Connect your HubSpot task management processes and collaborate with teammates in other tools using this 2-way integration.

In this article:

Unito's HubSpot integration supports multiple types of work items: tasks, tickets and deals. Any of these work items synced by your flows will count as an item in sync.

Here's a similar overview of:

Note: each Unito flow you set up will only sync one work item type.  To sync multiple work item types, you'll need to create new flows.

Supported HubSpot Task fields in Unito

Here are the fields you can currently sync for HubSpot tasks, as well as whether you can use them in rules or not.The table below outlines the supported fields and their sync capabilities:

Quick definitions:

    • One-Way: Changes to the HubSpot deal field will appear in the other synced field but not vice versa.
    • Two-Way: Changes to either synced field will appear in the other.
    • Rules: This deal field can be used as a trigger in your rules to filter work items from syncing with Unito.
HubSpot Task Field One-Way? Two-Way? Rules?
Assigned to
Company -
Contact -
Container name - -
Created by - -
Deal -
Due date -
Note -
Owner -
Status -
Title -

Accounts or pipelines? Choosing a HubSpot container in Unito

As mentioned above, when you create a Unito flow for HubSpot, you'll need to select a work item and associated container (e.g., a HubSpot account or pipeline). You can then:

If you want to sync multiple work items, you'll need to create one flow for each work item or block of work. Luckily, that's easy to do once you've completed your first flow - all you have to do is duplicate one of your flows, then edit the new flow to fit your use case.

Considerations when syncing HubSpot work items

If you're syncing tasks associated with deals, you'll want to set conditions in your Unito rules filter tasks by deal. If you choose to use HubSpot deals for your block of work, we have a full article on how to pick the best blocks of work, but here they are in a nutshell:

Deal Name is a locked field

To make your HubSpot flows work, we automatically map the Deal Name field. This field needs to be mapped to a custom field in the tool you're syncing HubSpot. For example, if you were syncing HubSpot tasks to Asana, your Asana tasks would need a Text field.

If the tool you're syncing with HubSpot doesn't support custom fields, you can only build one-way flows. Changes will only be synced from HubSpot to the other tool.

Replicate the Deal Name exactly in your other tool

This is essential for your flow to know where it needs to send information. Say your HubSpot deal is called "Enterprise Tech," you'll have to add this exact name in your custom field in your other tool. If two deals have the same name, work items in the other tool will be synced with the first deal.

Using deals in your rules

When you use HubSpot deals as your block of work, you can create a whole host of rules you couldn't otherwise. Here are the fields you can use when building rules with deals:

  • Deals Name

  • Deal Stages

  • Companies

  • Deal Types

  • Deal Owner

  • Contacts

Necessary permissions and OAuth scopes

Only a HubSpot Super Admin can connect your account to Unito and create flows to sync tasks, tickets or deals.

OAuth scopes for Unito's HubSpot integration

What are OAuth scopes? Open Authorization (OAuth) is a protocol that enables an application (Unito) to access specific data from another application (HubSpot) without requiring your password. When setting up an integration, you'll need to grant certain OAuth scopes to Unito in order for your data to be synced effectively with other tools. 

Regarding data security and privacy, rest assured Unito is SOC 2 Type 2 certified and all information is encrypted. 

OAuth Scope Definition


Enables Unito to edit the settings of properties in your HubSpot CRM. This includes changing the name, description, group name, field type, options for dropdown fields, and other settings related to properties.
crm.objects.contacts.read Allows Unito to read or retrieve contact information from your HubSpot CRM.
crm.objects.contacts.write Enables Unito to create, update, or delete contact information in your HubSpot CRM.
crm.schemas.contacts.read Gives Unito permission to read the structure or schema of your contact data in HubSpot. This includes information about what fields are available for contacts and their data types.
crm.objects.deals.read Allows Unito to read or retrieve deal information from your HubSpot CRM.
crm.objects.deals.write Enables Unito to create, update, or delete deal information in your HubSpot CRM.
crm.schemas.deals.read Gives Unito permission to read the structure or schema of your deal data in HubSpot. This includes information about what fields are available for deals and their data types.
crm.objects.companies.read Allows Unito to read or retrieve company information from your HubSpot CRM.
crm.objects.companies.write Enables Unito to create, update, or delete company information in your HubSpot CRM.
crm.schemas.companies.read Gives Unito permission to read the structure or schema of your company data in HubSpot. This includes information about what fields are available for companies and their data types.
crm.objects.owners.read Allows Unito to read or retrieve owner information from your HubSpot CRM.
crm.objects.line_items.write Enables Unito to create, update, or delete line item information in your HubSpot CRM. Line items typically represent individual products or services in a deal.
crm.objects.line_items.read Allows Unito to read or retrieve line item information from your HubSpot CRM.
tickets Gives Unito permission to read, write, and delete tickets in your HubSpot Service Hub. Tickets represent customer service issues or tasks.

Got feedback? Submit a Unito feature request to let us know what you'd like to see in the next update to our HubSpot integration.

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