An Overview of Unito's ServiceNow Integration

Ready to start syncing data from ServiceNow to your other tools? Here's everything you need to know.

What does this article cover?

You can find instructions on setting up your first flow with Unito here, or follow these ServiceNow walkthroughs for connecting to Jira Service Management, Azure DevOps or

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What does Unito sync from ServiceNow?

Unito syncs ServiceNow records — which can be tasks, incidents, and more — from specific tables to your other tools. You can also sync work items from other tools to ServiceNow as new records automatically. Here's an example of a field table between ServiceNow and

modnay servicenow fields

Which ServiceNow fields sync with Unito?

Since you can customize every single field in ServiceNow, Unito can sync everything in your tables. Some fields, while they can be synced, have certain limitations you should know about. 

This includes but isn't limited to:

Record fields One-way  Two-way 
Created by
Sys id  
Display name
Protection policy
Update name
Updated by
Link to record  
Work Notes (private comments)

What about rules?

You can create a rule in Unito through one of two ways:

  • With a choice field —like State, Urgency, and Category — filtering out certain options as necessary.
  • With any other field, filtering out records when that field is filled or empty. For example, you could filter out any records that don't have due dates filled in.

How do I connect ServiceNow to Unito?

To connect ServiceNow to Unito, you'll only need three things:

  1. Your ServiceNow username.
  2. Your ServiceNow password.
  3. Your ServiceNow Domain URL.  If you're not sure how to get this, ask your administrator.

A screenshot of the OAuth screen before connecting ServiceNow to Unito

Here's more information about managing your ServiceNow account details.

Connecting to Unito with a new ServiceNow account

Some ServiceNow instances require newly created users to change their password immediately upon login. If you're using a new ServiceNow account to connect Unito, this can disrupt the authentication process  by the forced password change.


There are two ways to resolve this issue:

Option 1: Disable password reset flag

  1. Log in to your ServiceNow instance as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the User Administration > Users section.N Password Reset 1
  3. Locate the user account that you'll be using for the Unito integration.
  4. On the user record, set Password needs reset to false. SN Password Reset 2
  5. Save the changes.

Option 2: Preemptive Password Change

  1. Log in to ServiceNow as the newly created user.
  2. Follow the prompts to change the password.
  3. Once the password is changed, proceed with setting up the connection to Unito with the new credentials.

Limitations and other considerations

Since this is one of our Lite connectors, you won't be able to do everything with ServiceNow that you could with a full Unito integration.

  • User fields: If user-type fields in your ServiceNow tables don't have public or visible display names, you won't be able to sync display names. Instead, you'll get a long string of alphanumeric characters.
  • Required fields: Due to a limitation with ServiceNow's API, fields that you mark as required for creating new records don't have to be included in a Unito flow. This means you could potentially create a Unito flow that doesn't sync required ServiceNow fields, meaning a ServiceNow user may need to manually fill out those fields before new work items can be created.
  • Attachments: Syncing attachments isn't possible with this integration.
  • Comments: Unito can sync private comments / work notes. Public comments aren't yet supported in this integration.
  • Rich text: Due to a limitation with ServiceNow's API, this integration can't sync rich text (like bold and italics). Avoid using rich text in the work items you're syncing with Unito, or you'll see rich text tags (like <b> Bold title </b>) in other tools.

Watch a demo of Unito's integration between ServiceNow and Jira

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Got feedback? Submit a Unito feature request to let us know what you'd like to see in the next update to our ServiceNow integration.