Use Case: Multi-Project Coordination With Wrike and Unito

Are you a project manager or a team lead managing several projects in Wrike? Unito can help you plan, track, coordinate, and more!

What this article explains:

Managing multiple projects across different tools and teams can be challenging. Unito breaks down silos by syncing your Wrike projects with tools like Jira, GitHub, Zendesk, and more. This means you can:

  • Get a Unified View: See all project tasks, regardless of their origin, in one place within Wrike.
  • Track Progress in Real-Time: Updates in any connected tool are reflected instantly in Wrike.
  • Collaborate Seamlessly: Communicate with team members across platforms without leaving Wrike.

Use case: Coordinate a project across Wrike and Jira

User story

Context: Perhaps marketing needs to prepare a content catalogue or blog calendar, legal needs to update the terms of service, manufacturing needs to review assembly procedures, sales and support need to be trained, etc.

Project managers sit right in the middle of all this, doing their best to keep everyone in lockstep, moving towards common goals.

Solution: Unito enables you to easily manage multiple Wrike projects, even if other teams or work apps and tools are involved. 

Scenario: A common scenario is for business teams to use Wrike, while technical teams prefer Jira. Unito seamlessly bridges this gap, allowing for efficient cross-functional collaboration.


You can also follow our step-by-step guide to connect Wrike and Jira with Unito.

Steps to Sync Wrike and another tool

Following the above example, we'll outline steps for syncing Wrike and Jira, but the same process applies to any other supported tool.

  1. Sync Projects: For each Jira project you want to track in Wrike, create a flow in Unito. This will mirror your Jira projects as folders within Wrike, containing all open Jira issues as Wrike tasks. Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 3.28.37 PM
  2. Create a "Planning" Folder in Wrike: This folder will serve as your central hub for coordinating all projects, including both Wrike-native projects and the synced Jira projects. Find every existing project in Wrike you want to manage, and move or tag them into your Planning folder. Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 3.28.37 PM
  3. View Your Master Plan: In your "Planning" folder, show all tasks from its subfolders. This gives you a unified view of all project tasks, regardless of their origin. Use the table and gannt chart views to add due dates, durations, dependencies, and allocate resources.

Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 3.32.27 PM

Key Unito Features for Project Coordination:

  • Two-Way Sync: Changes made in either Wrike or Jira are automatically reflected in the other tool, ensuring everyone has the latest information.
  • Field Mappings: Customize how data fields are mapped between Wrike and Jira for accurate tracking.
  • Rules: Filter which tasks are synced based on specific criteria, keeping your master plan focused and relevant by applying rules to your flow.
  • Comments: Communicate with team members across platforms directly within Wrike task comments.

Recommended Unito Settings

Try out these settings to get the most out of your workflows:

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