Salesforce Objects

Syncing Salesforce Business Accounts with Unito

Here's all you need to know about syncing Salesforce Business Accounts to any other app, tool, or even another kind of Salesforce object or record.

In this article:

Maintaining accurate and up-to-date customer account information between various teams and tools can be a hurdle. Unito's Salesforce integration lets you connect business accounts to other objects and records, as well as other apps and tools. That way, teams in Salesforce can stay up-to-date on client or customer account details, while teams in other tools can review reports, updates, or other real-time information without the need for status meetings, briefings, or back-and-forths by email or Slack!

Which Salesforce objects can Unito sync?

Unito's Salesforce integration syncs all standard and custom objects. 

Each Unito flow can only sync one type of object with another, or all records of one object type to a tool of your choice. Any records of that object type can be synced in a Unito flow, where they will count as an item in sync

Why Sync Salesforce Business Accounts?

Unito lets you consolidate your customer or client information into one place for optimized reporting and review. You can also sync accounts to:
  • Centralize customer data: Bring essential account information into a spreadsheet, database, or even a tool for project management, marketing automation, or collaboration.
  • Automate updates: Sync account changes, comments, and other key fields to another tool in real-time. So a user in Google Sheets can modify some fields and watch those changes sync back to Salesforce. 
  • Collaborate between departments: Enable different teams to work together effectively, even if they're using different tools. Sales, marketing, support, and other teams can access and contribute to account information without leaving their preferred environments.

Supported Salesforce Business Account fields

Here are all standard Account fields supported by Unito's Salesforce integration, as well as the fields you can use in rules. You can cross-reference this list of fields with Salesforce's documentation regarding account fields.

Quick definitions:

    • One-Way: Changes to the Salesforce account field will appear in the other synced field but not vice versa.
    • Two-Way: Changes to either synced field will appear in the other.
    • Rules: This opportunity field can be used as a trigger in your rules to filter work items from syncing with Unito.
Case Field Definition One-Way? Two-Way?
Account Name Name of company. 
Account Number / ID Tracking or reference number for account.    
Account Owner Assigned owner of account. 
Account Record Type Name of the field that determines what picklist values are available for the record.
Account Site Information about the account’s location, such as single location, Headquarters, or Branch. 
Account Source The source of the account record. For example, Advertisement or Trade Show. The source is selected from a picklist of available values, which a Salesforce admin sets. 
Annual Revenue Amount of annual reported revenue.
Billing City City portion of billing address. 
Billing Country Country portion of billing address. Entry is selected from a picklist of standard values or entered as text.
Billing State/Province State or province portion of billing address. Entry is selected from a picklist of standard values or entered as text. 
Billing Street Street address used for billing. 
Billing Zip/Postal Code Zip or postal code portion of billing address. 
Created By User who created the account, including creation date and time.   
Account Description Description of account. 
Employees Number of people employed by the account.
Fax Fax number. 
Industry Primary business of account. Entry is selected from a picklist of available values, which a Salesforce admin sets. 
Modified By User who last changed the account fields, including modification date and time. This field doesn’t track changes made to any of the related list items on the account. (Read only)  
Ownership Ownership of company, for example, public or private. Entry is selected from a picklist of available values, which a Salesforce admin sets.
Parent Account Parent company for companies that are subsidiaries of a larger company or organization. 
Partner Account Read-only field that indicates whether an account is a partner account.      
Phone Primary phone number of account. 
Rating Categorization of how you rate this account, for example, Hot, Cold. Entry is selected from a picklist of available values, which a Salesforce admin sets.
Shipping City City portion of primary mailing or shipping address. Up to 40 characters are allowed.
Shipping Country Country portion of primary mailing or shipping address. Entry is selected from a picklist of standard values or entered as text. 
Shipping State/Province State or province portion of primary mailing or shipping address. Entry is selected from a picklist of standard values or entered as text.
Shipping Street Primary mailing or shipping street address of account. 
Shipping Zip/Postal Code Zip or postal code portion of primary mailing or shipping address. 
SIC Code Standard Industrial Classification code of the account’s main business categorization.   
SIC Description A brief description of an organization’s line of business, based on its SIC code.  
Ticker Symbol The abbreviation used to identify publicly traded shares of a particular stock. Also known as the stock symbol. 
Type Type of account, for example, Customer, Competitor, or Partner. Entry is selected from a picklist of available values, which a Salesforce admin sets.
Website URL of account’s website.

Salesforce custom field types

This list is non-exhaustive. We recommend consulting Salesforce's own documentation for a full list of custom field types that can be included in your flows. 

Salesforce Custom Field Types
(partial list)
One-Way Two-Way
Auto number  
Date / time   
Picklist (Multi-select)
Text Area  

*Custom fields are only available with certain Unito plans. Visit our pricing page for more information.

Watch a demo flow sync Salesforce with Google Sheets

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