How to Increase Collaboration Between Business and Development Teams With Wrike and Unito

Unito keeps project members productively collaborating from their tool of choice, whether it’s Wrike, Jira, or anything else.

What this article covers:

  • The value of a work automation platform

  • How to use Unito to foster collaboration across Wrike and Jira

  • Recommended Unito settings

The value of a work automation platform

Project teams, more often than not, are assembled with cross-functional members who collaborate closely on a daily basis. For example, a project workflow may call for new features, once implemented by developers to be reviewed and accepted by the quality assurance or business members. However, putting different teams in the same room doesn’t mean they’ll collaborate efficiently. This leads to a frequent topic for heated debate: which project management tool should we use?

It’s practically impossible to pick a tool that suits everyone’s taste, or more importantly, a tool designed for everyone’s specialized role.

One possible scenario is for the business and creative teams to choose a popular project management tool such as Wrike, Asana, or, while technical teams resist, preferring to stay in their Jira or GitHub interface.

Unito is designed to resolve this type of issue and enable cross-functional teams to collaborate on projects directly from their tool of choice. With a simple two-way flow, you can avoid purchasing multiple seats or having someone switch back and forth between work apps to keep teams updated.

Foster collaboration between Wrike and Jira with Unito

1) Create a custom workflow in Wrike

Since you’ll be collaborating closely on tasks and issues, possibly handing them off back and forth between the tools, it’s important that the workflows in both tools are compatible. Both Wrike and Jira support custom workflows; you should design them to have similar phases. It doesn’t mean they need to be exactly the same. However, a single state in one tool could break down into multiple more granular states in the other.

Compatible Wrike and Jira workflows

2) Sync an existing Jira project with Wrike

If you don’t have a project in Jira yet, create one first. Then create a flow in Unito and make sure to customize it to map the workflows you designed and associate your Wrike and Jira users.

Once the flow is created, you will have a new folder in Wrike with all the open issues as tasks. Feel free to move that project within the Wrike folder structure.

3) Assign each other tasks

Plan your project and dispatch the tasks. Assignees will sync between tools, so everything assigned to you will show up in your personal to-do list, side-by-side with any other task you may have, making personal planning that much easier.

4) Get to work

Work out of the to-do list; in your tool of choice, and get things done!

Now, any time you update a synced task or issue, the change will propagate to the corresponding task or issue in the other tool. This includes comments, changing the state or reassigning someone else. You can instantly see the progress of your team and project without ever leaving your tool of choice, and without bugging someone over chat, email or another status meeting.

Recommended Unito settings

Try out these settings to get the most out of your syncs: