How to Track Tickets, Issues, or Records by Syncing Numbers to Task Titles

Keep tickets, incidents, issues or other records easy to track after syncing them to tasks in other tools in just a few clicks.

Many tools used for ITSM (ServiceNow, Jira, or Azure DevOps), software development (GitHub, GitLab), or customer support (Zendesk) assign unique numbers to incidents, issues, tickets or other work items.  

While Unito syncs core information, such as a summary or task title automatically, these ticket numbers can be crucial for quick referencing. Here's how to ensure they're mirrored in your synced tasks:

Check your flow's field mapping table

Within your Unito flow settings, find the field mapping table.

field mapping tableThis is where you define how fields sync between tools and the relationship between each pair of fields.

Find the Summary or title field mapping

The exact field name will vary from tool-to-tool (e.g., Title, Summary, etc.) but you'll notice a gear icon beside it, which you can click on.

How to track tickets, issues, or records in Unito between Jira, ServiceNow, or Azure DevOps

In this example, a Jira issue number will appear in the ServiceNow incident, synced to the ServiceNow incident's short description.  That pair of fields is currently set to sync bidirectionally, so manual changes to the summary or short description will automatically update in the other tool.