The Unito Flow Builder

How to Sync Status Fields or Sections in Unito

By syncing statuses or sections, you can change Unito's behavior when you close work items, move data between sections, and more.

Table of contents:

Mapping fields in Unito, such as status or section, defines the relationship between those fields across different apps or tools. 

This is useful for making sure your completed tasks or other work items are marked "done" or the equivalent in both tools, which can help reduce your items in sync count. Statuses are also useful in allowing teams to track progress, allocate resources effectively, and identify bottlenecks.

This allows specific details to flow back and forth, which is crucial for syncing statuses, sections, lists, or any other custom field you use to track work. 

What happens if I don't map statuses or sections?

If you don't map statuses in your field mappings table and it is required in your chosen tool, then Unito will refer to the default rules when creating new work items.

In the above example, any time Unito creates a new Asana task, it will be set to the default section Backlog. This would occur if there is no section field mapping added. If the mapping exists, Unito will sync items where the mapping specifies.

Why should you map statuses?

Including statuses in your field mappings table ensures that a change to an item's status is reflected in another synced item. 

HubSpot-Jira-08-status (1)

In the above example, priority stages are matched even though some are spelled differently. Unito will do some smart mapping on behalf of the customer if the names are similar between tools, but this can be edited by the user if needed.

Key benefits of syncing status:

  • Consistency: Avoid confusion caused by mismatched terminology or status updates getting lost in the shuffle.
  • Clarity: Get a unified view of project progress, no matter which tool you're looking at.
  • Efficiency: Automate status updates, saving time and reducing manual errors.

How to map statuses, sections, or lists between tools

The exact functionality will vary depending on the tools you connect to Unito, but generally you always begin the same way:

Log in to Unito and select your flow:

  1. From Unito Sync Platform, open the flow you're working on and select Field Mappings.
  2. Then, select the gear icon beside your status field pairing.
  3. Click + Add more statuses (or an equivalent since the name of the field will depend on your tools) to set a new pair of values. 

list status or section

Here's an example of a completed set of statuses:

completed statuses

  • With this setup, if the original item (on the left) is set to hold, it will appear as on hold in the status on the right;  solved would turn into closed complete; and open would become new.
  • When statuses are grouped together on either side of your field mappings (e.g., closed complete and completed - csm review in the image above), Unito will always choose the first status option listed when syncing.

Add new statuses, lists or sections as needed

If the list, status, or section you need isn't already mapped, you can add it by clicking on Add more lists & statuses. Then, Select a value in each status/list that you'd like to pair up.

status progress 1

Practical Tip: When setting up mappings, consider how your team uses each tool and aim to align the workflows as closely as possible. This makes transitions between tools seamless and intuitive.

Grouped statuses vs. individual statuses

Grouped statuses

You can map a single status or section in one tool to multiple statuses in another. These are called grouped statuses. You can group multiple status values by clicking on the + symbol beside a status value.

selected status 1

Unito will always prioritize the first value listed in a grouped set of statuses. So an item set to In Progress on the left will always sync as In Progress on the right. 

Individual statuses

If you want your status values to be synced on a 1:1 relationship, make sure to add each pair of values with the + Add more button. If you click the + icon instead, you'll create grouped values.

Status Syncing Wrong

With the above set of status mappings, if the user were to change a status from "to do" to "in progress" in the left-hand tool, the right-hand tool would remain "to do" since all four options have been grouped together into a single status pair.

Instead, it should look like this to have a set of individual statuses. Status Syncing Right

Now, each status has its own unique pair.

Why allow grouped statuses? Grouping statuses can be useful in situations where a specific status exists in one tool but not in the other, or if the information isn't relevant to users of the other tool.

For example, perhaps you would consider a "done" task in one tool to be the same as a "cancelled" or "completed" task in another.

Enhance Your Workflow with Effective Mapping

Mapping statuses and sections between tools doesn't just keep your tasks aligned; it streamlines your workflow, ensuring that updates in one tool reflect across all others. With Unito's field mapping feature, you can ensure your projects stay consistent, clear, and efficient, no matter how many tools you use.

Wrike Trello Statuses

In the above example, we can expect the following to be true:

  • A non-archived card in Trello will maintain its status if the synced Wrike task is any of Ongoing, Ready to Brief, or On Hold.
  • If a Wrike task is Completed or Cancelled, it will be immediately Archived in Trello.
  • If an archived Trello card is unarchived, it will become an Ongoing Wrike task in this example. Items in this context will always assume the first status option possible. 

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