Limitations of Unito's ServiceNow Integration

Here's a breakdown of what Unito's ServiceNow integration can't do yet.

Unito's ServiceNow integration is designed to help you get crucial data out of your tables and into other tools. Here are a few things it can't do — yet.

  • User fields: If user-type fields in your ServiceNow tables don't have public or visible display names, you won't be able to sync display names. Instead, you'll get a long string of alphanumeric characters.
  • Required fields: Due to a limitation with ServiceNow's API, fields that you mark as required for creating new records don't have to be included in a Unito flow. This means you could potentially create a Unito flow that doesn't sync required ServiceNow fields, meaning a ServiceNow user may need to manually fill out those fields before new work items can be created.
  • Attachments: Syncing attachments isn't possible with this integration.
  • Comments: Unito can sync private comments / work notes. Public comments aren't yet supported in this integration.
  • Rich text: Due to a limitation with ServiceNow's API, this integration can't sync rich text (like bold and italics). Avoid using rich text in the work items you're syncing with Unito, or you'll see rich text tags (like <b> Bold title </b>) in other tools.