How to Connect, Reconnect, or Disconnect a Tool

Here's everything you need to know about connecting to Unito for the first time, or reconnecting to fix an issue.

In this article:

Whether an authorization token has expired or you're running into other issues, sometimes you need to quickly reconnect it to Unito. Or perhaps you're connecting a new tool for the first time.

Whatever the reason, this article will show you how to connect, disconnect and re-connect apps or tools to Unito. For some tools this process is quick and simple, while others may require a few extra steps.

How to connect a tool to Unito

There are a few ways to connect a tool to Unito for the first time.  Whichever method you choose, you'll be prompted to connect account which will require you to either login to your tool, enter a site URL, or authorize Unito.

Connecting from the Unito dashboard

From the Unito dashboard, simply select Connect a new tool and find your tool in the list on the next page.

Connecting from your profile icon

Another option is to click on your profile icon, then integrations to reach the same menu.

Clicking on your Unito profile to access the integrations menu and connect a tool

Both options take you to the integrations menu with a list of every app or tool supported by Unito.

Scroll down the list until you see the tool(s) you want to sync with Unito. Then, select Connect account

Unito's in-app integrations menu with tools to connect

Connecting from the Unito flow builder

The third way to connect a tool is while building a flow with that tool for the first time.

From the Unito dashboard, click +Create flow, then Start here.

The Unito Flow Builder

Now, click +add a tool to this flow and scroll down to the tool you'd like to connect or type its name into the search bar that appears:

Searching for a tool to connect to UnitoNext, click +Choose account, then Connect a new account. Here's an example for Microsoft Azure DevOps.

Connecting a tool to Unito from the flow builder screen

Now, you simply need to authorize your app or tool based on the parameters set by the publisher.

Authorizing your tool to enable Unito access

In some cases you'll be prompted to login to your tool, in others you may need to enter a site URL or other information. It will vary depending on the tool's own limitations and requirements. 

Learn more about the Unito authorization process.

Here's an example of Trello's authorization screen:

Authorizing Unito for Trello users

In this case or others like it, you simply need to select allow and follow the on-screen instructions.

Here's an example from GitLab prompting users to enter their site URL:

Connecting GitLab to Unito

In this case or others like it, you simply need to enter your self-hosted URL and click continue, then follow any additional on-screen instructions.

Jira users will have to configure their account with a few additional steps before they can sync work. Here's how to configure GitHub Enterprise for Unito access through a similar process.

If you have any issues with connecting your tools, simply reach out to our live support staff who will be more than happy to assist you.

How to re-connect a tool to Unito

You don't need to manually disconnect an app or tool in order to refresh your connection with Unito. Instead you can just select connect account again, which refreshes the auth tokens.

This can save you a lot of time and effort, since you can't manually disconnect an integration without deleting all existing flows or blocks of work related to it. 

From your Unito dashboard, select Connect a new tool:

This will take you to the integrations screen.

Find the app or tool you'd like to reconnect and select Connect account. Here's what that looks like when reconnecting Asana:

Asana reconnectJust prompting Unito to reconnect with your tool should be enough to fix most connection problems you're running into.

How to disconnect a tool

In order to disconnect a tool, you'll first have to remove all flows associated with your tool account.

To disconnect a tool, click on your avatar.

log in 2

You'll see this screen.

log in 3

From here, all you need to do is click on Disconnect, and your tool will be disconnected.