A Guide To Advanced Manual Options

Unito's default features cover most use cases with just a bit of tweaking. That said, here are popular advanced options.

Table of contents:

How to use advanced options

Most of these advanced options involve pasting a bit of code into the Advanced features box in your Unito flow of choice.

You can find this box in just a few clicks. From the flow list, click on the upright ellipses next to the flow you want to apply an advanced option to.

click ellipsis to edit flow

From there, hit Edit in the dropdown.

edit test board 2

This'll open your flow. Hit Advanced options.

advanced options test board

You'll find the Advanced features box at the bottom of this screen.

advanced features

Using translateMentions and breakMentions

The translateMentions manual option allows you to sync @Mentions from tool to tool. That means you could mention a user in one tool and create a link to that mapped user in the other tool.

Before you can apply this advanced option, you need to make sure that all your users are mapped correctly.

All you need to do is navigate to active users screen in the app, search for a user, and merge their accounts across tools. You can see how this is done here.

After your users are mapped, you can contact our product specialists to have this option enabled in your flow.

Note: Want to make sure your users aren't inundated with notifications? Ask our product specialists about the breakMentions advanced option.

What is MappingFallbackMode?

By default, Unito automatically maps fields, lists, and sections that have the same name. For example, say you have To Do, Doing, and Done lists in two Trello boards.

Even if you only map To Do and Doing, we automatically map the Done lists. You can prevent this from happening by contacting our product specialists to have the MappingFallbackMode manual option applied to your flow.

What is onFilterOut?

When a work item is filtered out of a flow — say because it changes to an assignee not covered by your rule — we automatically archive the copy. This is to avoid clutter in your work management tools.

With onFilterOut, we can change this default setting in a few different ways:

  • Closing the original work item

  • Closing both work items

  • Keeping work items in sync

  • Doing absolutely nothing

Simply paste this JSON script into the 'Advanced Features' section of your flow:


"A": {

"options": {

"onFilterOut": "ignore"



"B": {

"options": {

"onFilterOut": "ignore"




What is earliestModifiedSince?

With earliestModifiedSince, you can specify a timestamp to limit the number of work items fetched by initial syncing and resyncs.

When this is implemented, your flow will only sync work items that have been created or modified after that timestamp.

Want to add this manual option to your workflow? We have a full guide to doing that here.

Using preferredTimezone

If you want to prevent any time formatting issues from happening between tools, you can use the preferredTimezone manual option to standardize time zones across tools.

Not sure how to add this to your flow? Don't hesitate to reach out to our product specialists for help.