How to boost flow performance with earliestModifiedSince

Updates can pile up and degrade flow speed. earliestModifiedSince is an advanced feature you can quickly implement for better performance.

When to implement this feature

When new updates start piling up, it can take time for our servers to chew through them all. In these rare cases, you might not get the fast performance you're used to. This can happen when the projects you're syncing are very large or involve multiple teams. This can also be caused by having to process a large number of custom fields and updates. Either way, you might see some lag in your synced updates.

earliestModifiedSince is a piece of code you can add to your flows. Implementing it is as simple as copying code from this article and pasting it into your flow. Anyone can do it in just a few clicks.

This piece of code specifies a timestamp to limit the number of work items fetched by the initial sync and resyncs. By implementing this, your flow will only sync work items that have been created or modified after a specific timestamp.

❗ Want to make sure this is appropriate for your use case? Just reach out to our product specialists!

How to implement earliestModifiedSince

Start by going to the More Options tab of the flow editor. Scroll down to the Advanced Features text box. Copy this code:


And paste it into the text box. After this, you'll want to go to this Epoch Converter to get an exact timestamp marking the earliestModifiedSince date you want to use. Put in the date and time you want to use, and they'll be converted into a timestamp. Copy the number, making sure you get it in milliseconds — usually this will end in at least three zeroes.

Leave a space after the code's colon, then paste the Epoch in milliseconds. You should get something that looks like this:

"earliestModifiedSince": 1489780800000

After you've put the code in, just save and close your sync. You should get better performance in no time!