General Unito troubleshooting

Common Error Messages and How to Fix Them

Any error you run into while using Unito has a fix, or a workaround. Here are the most common bugs Unito users face, with solutions.

Error messages covered in this article:

Login, permission and authorization errors

The account ID you entered is incorrect

This error message may occur during the single sign-on (SSO) login process. It usually means that the unique identifier (Account ID) provided does not match our records for your organization. 

SSO Login

To resolve this issue, please consider the following steps:

  1. Verify Account ID: Double-check the Account ID you've entered for accuracy. It's easy to mistype or misspell these identifiers. If possible, copy and paste the ID directly from a secure source to avoid errors.

  2. Contact Workspace Administrator: If you're uncertain about your organization's Account ID or continue to experience issues, please reach out to your workspace administrator. They can provide you with the correct Account ID or assist you in troubleshooting any discrepancies.

  3. Interest in SSO: If you aren't currently using SSO for Unito, but are interested in exploring this feature for enhanced security and convenience, we encourage you to get in touch with our sales team

Invalid authentication credentials

This error message is often a notification that one or more of your connectors (tools) is disconnected. Try reauthorizing your tool with Unito, and ensure you have the correct permissions.

It appears that you do not have the necessary permissions to perform the requested action. We were denied access to the tool.

Check the required permissions for your tool.

Flow creation errors

Your integration could not be contacted or has returned an error. please try again later.

This message typically indicates that Unito cannot connect to the app or tool you're trying to integrate with. This issue often arises when the external application is slow to respond, which can prevent Unito from establishing a successful connection.

This could be caused by high server load, temporary outages, or network connectivity issues on their end. 

To resolve this issue, we recommend you wait a moment and try again: Sometimes, the issue is temporary and can be resolved by simply waiting a few moments before trying again. This can often give the external application's servers time to recover from high load or resolve any temporary glitches.

If the issue persists, please reach out to our support team

Error in a connector

Sometimes this error message is just a small glitch in the system that a page refresh could fix, so try that first. Often though, it means that there's a problem with one of your tools that you're connecting with. If it doesn't resolve itself, please contact us!

These projects are already synced together by Unito

This message appears when attempting to create an exact duplicate of a flow that you've already made. This is not possible, and in general, everything should be handled in just one flow without making copies. That this can happen if you're trying to create a flow for a Trello board that already has a Mirror in it. Since Mirrors are a type of flow, you can't have a Mirror and a standard flow in the same Trello board.

You don't have access to this flow

This message may occur when trying to duplicate a flow that you haven't created. Only a flow's original creator can duplicate it. If you're unsure who created a flow, just click the upright ellipses for that flow, then click Edit.

edit a flow

The next screen will show you who created the flow, right under the flow's name.

edit a flow 2

The best way to avoid this error is to create a service account (or bot user) for your workspace that has access to all connectors.

Your integration could not be contacted or has returned an error

Unito will retry your request automatically. You may want to check that your flow has no errors and your tools are authorized properly. Sometimes downtime from the tool providers can also cause this error, in which case it will resolve itself eventually.

Flow status errors

Failed status

A Failed status means Unito was unable to perform a specific action in your block of work. Perhaps an update didn’t go through, or a new work item wasn’t created. You can get more information by clicking more info in your flow's recent activity log.

You can force a work item to re-sync by clicking the "Sync this item" button within the more info section.

More Info 2 1


This is usually just a hiccup and a simple page refresh should fix it, but it could also be a symptom of your connector not having permission to access something they need. If this error pops up once, ignore it. If it appears repeatedly, reach out to us for support.

The item cannot be found or does not exist

This occurs when an item has been deleted or moved. Either restore the item or move it back to the original project/container.

Status unavailable

This flow status usually means there's an issue with the flow status service. Not to worry, though! Refresh your page once or twice and you should get an updated flow status.

We were unable to create or update an item

This is often caused when required fields are missing content (start or end date, for example), or the destination item being inaccessible (e.g., a closed sprint).

Ensure that your items meet the requirements of your Unito rules to access and update them in your tool.

"Inaccessible" flows

Some users have occasionally found their flows marked as “Inaccessible” in the Unito app. While in this state, flows will not work. This tends to be more common with Jira than with other tools due to Jira’s extensive permission settings.

Having flows marked as "Inaccessible" almost always means there is an issue with one or more of your connectors. For example, if one of your synced projects gets deleted, the flow it was a part of will be labelled as Inaccessible. If your administrators changed your permissions on the project you are a part of, it will also be marked as inaccessible.

Sometimes, though, it could happen for no apparent reason at all, and could be attributed to a bug in the link between your connector and Unito. To fix this, go to the connectors page and search through your connectors for one with an exclamation point on it, and then click it and press 'reconnect'. If none of your connectors have an exclamation point on them, try disconnecting and reconnecting them anyway. 

Like with anything else, if this doesn't fix your issue, please contact us.

Sync Errors

"Please try again" errors

A really common transient error with a really easy fix. Just refresh your page and wait for it to resolve on its own. This usually won't require support intervention. 

"Unable to sync" 

This flow status should resolve itself after clearing your browser's cache and then refreshing your page. The method for clearing the cache is different on each browser, but here are instructions on how to do so for the most popular browsers:

Oops! Something went wrong...

Refresh your page and this error should disappear.  Often related to the "Please try again" error message.

An error has occurred that prevents us from processing this request

Resolve any warnings you may have in your flow and try again. If the error persists, contact our support team.

Error translating the work item into native format

If possible, we will automatically retry your request.

Ensure the format of your destination field matches that of your source field.

A formatting error has occurred

If possible, we will automatically retry your request.

Otherwise verify that the formatting of the fields you have mapped and their contents is correct.

Rate limit reached

We will automatically retry this request. Wait or try again later at a less busy time.

Something isn't configured correctly that prevented us from making an update

Ensure that the correct settings are applied to your destination project/container. A common example is a calendar that is set to read-only. Then, retry syncing.

There was an error updating one of your fields

Ensure that the item being updated has all the correct fields present. Then try re-syncing the item.

User not found

Ensure that an entry with the user's email address exists in each connected organization.

App or Tool errors

The tool provider is down or experiencing issues

Please check the provider's status page, and try re-syncing again later. If the problem persists, contact support.

This tool does not support deep subtask structures

Unito only supports syncing a single level of sub-items.

Please submit a feature request if you would like to have more supported.

We received an invalid response from the provider that prevented us from processing the request.

If possible, we'll automatically retry this request.

Check that you don't have any other issues in your flow. If the error persists, contact our support team.

Resource not found

This is a common error code when using Trello power ups. If you're encountering this issue while using the Mirror or Board Sync Power-Ups in Trello, try using Unito's standalone Sync Platform to complete your action. If you're using the platform and experience this issue, wait 5-10 minutes and refresh your page.


This error happens when there's a problem with your SSL Certificate. The exact cause will vary depending on your specific situation; you should notify your network administrators. They'll be able to help you troubleshoot this error. Alternatively, you can consult our HTTPS and Port requirements

My Unito account has been suspended

The Unito workspace you're trying to work from has an expired trial. If you're part of multiple workspaces, you can click through this error, then use the top-right dropdown to select the right workspace.

workspace selection 1

You can't remove this connector because...

You're logged into Unito with it

If for whatever reason you're attempting to clear all your connectors, this is the error message you'll get on your last one.

Unito logins are done through tools, so clearing out all your connectors would functionally log you out, which wouldn't make any sense, so we've added a way to stop that with this error message.

It's working as intended, but if you're having issues with your account or connectors, you can always contact us.

It's in use

Similar error code to the one above. If one of your flows is currently using a connector to make changes, you will be unable to remove it. You can fix this by editing your flow and changing the connector on the 'Choose projects' page of your flows. If you only have 1 connector for that tool, you can add a new one in the Connectors tab.

You're using a shared connector

Usually, this happens because the account you're using to log in is tied to multiple users (usually because it's a bot account) so you won't be able to log in with it. Try using a different account.

If you're using a bot user in your workspace and have logged into the Unito app using your own credentials and the credentials of a bot user, then there's a chance that you'll receive this error code. In general, you should never log into the Unito app with your bot user's credentials.