Troubleshooting Shared Connector Errors

If you encounter an error message that states "you cannot log in with a shared connector," here's what to do.

In this article:

What is a Shared Connector Error?

A Shared Connector Error happens when the same app or tool account with is added in two separate Unito workspaces and you try to log-in through single sign-on. A quick fix is to disconnect one of the tool accounts you've connected.

Login Screen May 2024For example, if you and a teammate each sign up for Unito, then both of you add the same apps or tool accounts to each of your Unito workspaces, you can run into this error if you try to log in with your tool account.

That's because the connector for your tools are now associated with two different Unito accounts, so Unito doesn't know which workspace you're trying to access. 

How do I fix a shared connector error?

You'll either need to remove the connector from one of the two Unito Accounts or log in to Unito with your email address and password.

If you're sharing a tool account with someone else, log in to Unito with your email address and password or access Unito from a different tool account that features single sign-on.

How to disconnect a tool from Unito

From the Unito dashboard, select your profile icon, then Integrations. 

Profile to integrations 1

Click on the profile picture of the connector you cannot log in with, and disconnect it.

Disconnect Tool IconYou should then see a pop-up that looks like this:

Disconnect Tool Icon pop upOnce one of the tool accounts is disconnected, the other tool account will be able to log-in through single sign-on.

If you want more information about connecting tools, here's a longer article with everything you need to know about connecting and disconnecting tool accounts to Unito.

Reach out to us

If you don't know what happened or if this article didn't solve your issue,  go ahead and contact our live support team who will be more than happy to help.