Use Cases and Tips

List of Trello Fields Supported by Unito

This article details the Trello card fields and custom field types that can be synced with a Unito flow

In this article:

Supported Trello Card Fields

This list includes every supported Trello field, a definition, and which fields can update in both directions (2-way sync).

Trello Card Fields Definition One-way Two-way
Attachment A file (image, document, etc.) attached to a card.

Board name The name of the Trello board the card belongs to.  
Card ID A unique identifier for the card.  
Checklist A list of items associated with a card, used to track progress or subtasks.
Checklist item completion Indicates whether a checklist item is complete or not.
Comment A note or discussion point added to a card.
Creator The user who originally created the card.  
Description The main text area on a card for providing details.
Due date The date and time a card is due to be completed.
Due date checkbox A checkbox indicating whether a card's due date is complete or not.
Label A colored tag used to categorize or identify cards.
Link to card A URL that directly links to the card in Trello.  
List The column or section on a board where the card is located.
Member A user assigned to the card, indicating responsibility or involvement.
Start date The date and time a card's work is scheduled to begin.
Status A custom field that can be used to track the overall status of a card (e.g., "In Progress," "Blocked," "Done").
Title The name or main heading of the card.
Updated at The date and time the card was last modified.  

Quick definitions:

    • One-Way: Changes to the Trello card field will appear in the other synced field but not vice versa.
    • Two-Way: Changes to either synced field will appear in the other.
    • Rules: This card field can be used as a trigger in your rules to filter work items from syncing with Unito.

Ready to start building a flow? Browse Unito's resources library for step-by-step Trello guides, videos, templates, tutorials and more!

Syncable Trello custom field types

Unito supports all custom field types in Trello with 2-way sync and in your flow's rules. 

Trello Custom Field Types Two-way Rules
Custom fields are only available with some plans. Contact us for more details.

Using Trello fields in your rules

Unito supports three standard fields in Trello for rules: label, list, and member. This means you can filter your Trello cards by specific options within any or all of those three fields.

For example, if a label is set to a specific option, if a card is in a specific list or lists, and/or if a card includes a specific member.

Custom fields and rules in Unito

The Date, Number, and Text custom field types can only be used in Unito rules with the condition "any value" (meaning the field contains any data) or "empty value" (meaning the field is blank).

Here's what that looks like in practice:


Alternatively, if you set a rule with the Dropdown custom field type, you can choose the specific options within that field:

Rules by option 

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