How to Sync Area Paths, Iterations, and Work Item Types in Azure DevOps with Unito

Unito enables you to sync a wide range of Azure DevOps (ADO) fields to help you track your work across tools. Here's how to map those key statuses and fields.

In this article:

This article will explore how to sync specific Azure DevOps fields including: area path, iteration path, and work item type. In most other tools, you'll have to create a custom field before syncing. Then, you can link each of these unique ADO fields to newly-created custom fields in your Unito flow's field mapping table.

Understanding key fields in Azure DevOps

Before diving into the mapping process, let's clarify what these fields represent:

  • Area Path: Represents a hierarchical categorization of work items within an Azure DevOps project.
  • Iteration Path:  Defines a time-boxed period for planning and tracking work (e.g., sprint). To be visible in Unito, these must be added to the sprints of each project.
  • Work Item Type: The category of a work item (e.g., User Story, Bug, Task).

ADO key statuses and fields

How to map these ADO fields in Unito

Access Field Mappings:

Open your Unito flow and navigate to the "Field Mappings" section.Flow Builder STeps

Add Mappings:

  1. Click on the "+ Add mapping" button.
  2. Select the Azure DevOps field you want to map from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose the corresponding field in your other tool. If there isn't a direct equivalent, you can often map to a text or dropdown field.

Configure Specific Fields:

  • Area Path: Map to a similar hierarchical field in your other tool (e.g., "Project" or "Folder" in Wrike, "Label" in Trello).
  • Iteration: Map to a field representing time periods or milestones in your other tool (e.g., "Sprint" in Jira, "Due Date" in Asana).

iteration and area paths in unito-1

  • Work Item Type: Map to a field representing task types in your other tool (e.g., "Issue Type" in Jira, "Task Type" in Wrike).

Wrike ADO Custom Item Type Fields (1)

Key Considerations

  • Field Compatibility: Ensure you're mapping fields with similar data types for optimal syncing.
  • Sync Direction: Decide if you want one-way or two-way sync for each field based on your workflow needs.
  • Default Values: If a field is required in one tool but not the other, you might need to set a default value to avoid errors.

What is a default value?

Default rules determine how Unito will handle the creation of new items in a connected tool if no specific conditions are set in your field mappings.

ADO Set 1 Work Item Type

In the above example, Azure DevOps items created by Unito in this flow will be set to whichever work item type the user selects: Epic, Issue, or Task. This assumes the user doesn't customize their field mappings to sync specific work item types from their other tool to Azure DevOps.

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