Unito's Default Rules: What They Are and How They Work

When you create a new flow, Unito automatically includes default rules to help you get started. You can remove or configure these, but it's important to know what they do.

In this article:

The default status rule

Whenever you create a new flow, Unito pre-populates it with a set of rules that will look something like this:

ADO + Jira Rules 01-1

This set of rules will create new Jira issues for every open Azure DevOps work item created after the flow is launched (referenced in the Creation date rule above). Those new issues in Jira will then be set to the issue type: task. 

What is an open item? In some tools, your items can either be open or closed/archived. So the default rule will only sync "active" or "incomplete" items. 

To change this, just click on Open, and a drop-down menu will appear that allows you to also sync archived items:

open or archived

Note: Syncing closed work items varies from plan to plan. Contact us for more information.

The creation date rule

Unito flows are pre-populated with a creation date rule. This tells Unito to only sync new items created after you launch that flow. Older items won't be synced, whether they're open or closed/archived.

creation date

You can remove this rule (or any rule) by selecting the garbage or bin icon on the right.

Why does this rule exist? The creation date rule is there to let you test out your flow before launching, just to make sure you're getting the results you expect. Here's a guide on how to test your flow.

Note: You can't change the creation date for this rule. If you delete the rule and re-create it, it will automatically use the date for the creation of your flow. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to add this rule after a flow’s already been launched.

Default actions

The second half of your rules dictate what happens in your destination tool after Unito creates a new item. Here's what that looks like:

Group 1088196

Each of those "AND" conditions can be modified by selecting the arrow to view a drop-down menu. You can also add additional actions if you'd like to include more configurations. But the default setting will assign an item type (if applicable) and send the new items to a project, board, swimlane, etc. as well as assign a status or state (if applicable).

This rule exists so work items always have a place to go, even if you haven’t synced statuses or other fields.

Default item type

Some tools, such as Trello, only have one type of work item. Others have a few more, including Jira, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Azure DevOps, and Wrike. When you’re using a Unito flow to integrate one of these tools, a “default type” rule gets created. Here’s an example of this rule for a ClickUp-Jira flow:

With this rule, ClickUp tasks synced to Jira will automatically become Jira tasks, rather than a bug, epic, or story. 

You can sync additional item types in your field mappings if both tools in your flow have item types. Here's an example:

Wrike ADO Custom Item Type Fields (1)You can add pairs of item types by clicking the gear icon, then selecting (in this case) Add more custom item types & work item types

IMPORTANT: Your default rules will only apply if an item type isn't listed in your field mappings.

One-way flow default rules

When you build a one-way flow, you'll have additional options for rule configuration.

When you select Add a new action.

default rules 1You'll see a dropdown that looks a bit like this.

default rules 2

The exact fields you can set defaults for using this rule will depend on the specific tools you're syncing. Since this flow is syncing data from Trello to Asana, you'll be able to set default assignees, tags, task types, and a few other fields.

Once you've picked the field you want to set a default for, you can then pick the option you want to set as a default.

Default rules 3

In this example rule, all Trello cards synced to Asana will become tasks with their priority level automatically set to High priority.

Note that this default rule acts like a regular rule. That means if you set a default field (like High priority in the above example) changing the field in any task will filter it out of your Unito flow.

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