
An Overview of Unito's Pipedrive Integration

Looking to add Pipedrive to your workflow? Here's what you can expect from our integration.

Included in this article:

Which Pipedrive Person fields can sync with Unito?

Here are the fields you can sync with Unito's Pipedrive integration, as well as those that can be used to filter work items through rules.

Quick definitions:

    • One-Way: Changes to the field in Pipedrive will appear in the other synced field but not vice versa.
    • Two-Way: Changes to either synced field will appear in the other.
    • Rules: This Pipedrive field can be used as a trigger in your rules to filter work items from syncing with Unito.
Pipedrive Person Fields One-Way Two-Way Rules
Activities count    
Address (custom field)*
Closed deals count    
First name  
Last activity date    
Last name  
Lost deals count    
Marketing status  
Multiple options (custom field)*
Next activity date    
Open deals count  
Phone (custom field)*
Single option (custom field)*
String (custom field)*  
Text (custom field)*
Won deals count    

Custom fields are only available with some plans. Contact us if you have any questions.

What counts as an item in sync?

For Pipedrive, Unito counts every synced person as an item in sync.

Got feedback? Submit a Unito feature request to let us know what you'd like to see in the next update to our Pipedrive integration.

Custom fields for Unito's Pipedrive integration

Our Pipedrive integration supports the following custom fields:

  • Text

  • Large Text

  • Single Option

  • Multiple Options

  • Phone

  • Address

You can also use these fields to build rules.

Marketing status

Pipedrive's marketing status field tells you if a contact has agreed to receive marketing communications from you. This status is part of Pipedrive's Campaigns feature, which is currently in closed beta. You can learn more about this field in Pipedrive's support documentation.

Be aware that once a contact's marketing status is set to unsubscribed or bounced, it can no longer be edited. You'll get a notification in the Unito app when this is the case.

To ensure that your Unito flow syncs the marketing status field, every option has to be properly mapped. This is called multi-mapping, and you can learn more about it here.

Limitations and other considerations for Unito's Pipedrive integration

  • Syncing multiple email addresses: If a contact has multiple email addresses assigned to it, Unito will only sync the first — or primary — email address.

  • Syncing multiple phone numbers: Same thing here. Unito will only sync the first phone number for each contact.

  • Mapping the organization field: Currently, you can only map this field to the Description Footer field in other tools.

  • Contact merging: This Unito feature keeps your Mailchimp contacts from getting duplicated as you sync them. Here's how it works.

  • Two-way flows: Currently, you can only sync contacts from Pipedrive to other tools. That means you couldn't use Unito to create new contacts when a work item is created in another tool, for example. Note that you can still keep all information updated in both tools; you just can't automate contact creation with Unito.

  • Counting active users: We don't count active users for this tool. That means your pricing plan will be based on the active users in the tool you sync your contacts to.

How do I add Unito to Pipedrive?