Jira + GitHub Integration

Learn more about our Jira-GitHub integration, including what fields are synced between the two tools and your customization options.

Bitbucket isn’t the only Git solution that plays nicely with Jira anymore. With Unito, you can seamlessly use Jira for your issue tracking and GitHub for version control. Here's how these two tools come together with Unito.

Watch this Jira GitHub integration in action:

Which issue fields does Unito sync between Jira and GitHub?

What is not synced?

  • GitHub Checklists: Not yet supported.

  • GitHub Projects: GitHub's new Kanban feature, Projects, is not yet synced by Unito as it isn't supported by GitHub's API yet.

  • Jira Sprints: Currently, these are read-only; supporting two-way syncing is on the roadmap.

  • Jira links/dependencies: On the roadmap.

  • Jira time tracking: On the roadmap.

  • Mentions: Unito does not support user mentions in titles, descriptions, or comments just yet. It's coming soon.

Is there a feature you'd like to see implemented? Let us know!

Customization options

  • Filter synced work items: Unito will sync all items by default but you can customize your workflow by syncing just some of them. 
  • Filter by Issue Type: Choose exactly which issue types sync from Jira.
  • Include Subtasks: Enable seamless syncing of subtasks between GitHub and Jira.
  • One-Way Syncing: Change flow direction to sync updates from GitHub to Jira, or from Jira to GitHub – your choice!