How to Set Up Rules

Rules let you control what information gets synced from one tool to the other. Here's how you can set them up.

In this article:

What is a rule in Unito?

Rules are like the 'If this, then that' instructions for your Unito flow. They determine which items will be synced between tools and how that information is organized.

You can filter which items are synced based on fields (such as dates, users, single and multi-select drop-down items or picklists).  Rules also help manage how things move between your tools, so you can keep specific work in or out of your flow(s).

How to set rules

Setting a rule can be done in just a few clicks.

All rules follow a simple structure: triggers and actions. With triggers, you tell a rule what it needs to look for — like a specific assignee or label. With actions, you determine what your rule will actually do — like excluding certain tasks from your flow.

When you create your flow, you'll see that a rule has already been created automatically.

How rules work 2-1

This rule affects the information going from my Key Deliverables Board to Test Board A.4. I have four triggers here. Put together, they mean that cards in this board will only sync if they're open and they're created after I've finished building my flow.

But let's say we want to add another element to this rule. Then, all you need to do is pick the right trigger. Start by hitting Add a new trigger.

For this rule, we're going to hit Labels, which will create a rule that filters Trello cards based on specific labels. After that, we'll hit Select a value to choose the labels we want to include in this flow. In this specific case, the is dropdown means that only Trello cards with the selected label will be synced by Unito.

After selecting this label, your rule is done! You've made it so only Trello cards with a blue label will sync over to your other board.

How rules work 5

Your rule doesn't have to stop at a single value! When you're clicking on the values you want to include in your rule, you can keep clicking to add more of them.

multiple rules

In this example, after already adding the blue label to this rule, you could keep clicking on labels until you had all the labels you want to sync. No need to create any additional rules!

multiple rules

Examples of rules

Rules can be used to empower any number of use cases. All you need to do is pick the right triggers and actions. Here's how you can build some of the most common Unito rules for your use case.

Filtering work items by assignee

Filter work items by assignee

With this rule, work items will only be synced between tools if they're assigned to a specific person. To do this in a Trello flow, just add a new trigger choose Member, and pick the right person.

Automatically set a label when syncing work items

Trello Asana rule example

When building a two-way flow, you can automatically set labels and tags for synced work items by setting up the above rule. When you filter out work items that don't have a specific label, all work items created in the other tool will have whatever label you've mapped to this one.

Building a one-way flow? Instead, you'll see this dropdown, letting you pick the tag you want assigned to incoming work items.

default tag one way

Filtering work items by label

filter work items by label

When you build this rule, only work items with a specific label will be synced. All you need to do is select the Label trigger and pick the right label.

Only sync items in specific sections

Filter work items by section

Each tool has its own version of sections. For instance, Trello has lists while Asana has sections. With this rule, Unito will only pick up work items that are in a specific section for syncing. If they're moved out of that section for any reason, they won't be synced. To set up this rule, just pick the Lists trigger and pick the right list.

Extra rules for Google and Facebook integrations

Most Unito integrations share essentially the same rule types. With Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Insights, and Facebook Ads, however, you can set up these extra rules:
  • Dimension value is X
  • Dimension value contains X
  • Metric value is equal, above, or below X
You can also choose how many rows you want to sync to other tools and how many a user in your workspace can edit.

Ready to continue building a flow? Browse Unito's resources library for step-by-step guides, videos, templates, tutorials and more!