Use Cases & Tips

Bitbucket + Asana Integration

Learn more about our Bitbucket-Asana integration, including what fields are synced between the two tools and your customization options.

Bitbucket and Asana, when used in combination, allow for various live visualizations of your team's work. Integrating these two tools is a way to keep everyone you work with organized and happy, whether they are developers or not!

What does Unito sync between Bitbucket and Asana?

Bitbucket   Asana
Title ←→ Title
Description ←→ Description
State ←→ State
Comments ←→ Comments
Assignees ←→ Assignees
Description Footer Attachments
Link to Issue Description Footer
Description Footer Link to Task
Description Footer Due Date
Description Footer Created By
Description Footer Tags
Issue Number Description Footer
Issue Type Description Footer
Milestone Description Footer
Priority Description Footer
Author Description Footer
Fix Versions Description Footer

Want to see your Unito flows without ever leaving Asana? Check out the Flow Preview App for Asana.

What is not synced?

  • Asana Subtasks
  • Asana rich text formating
  • Asana guest users
  • BitBucket On-Premise setups: Because of API limitations, we're unable to support On-Premise installations of BitBucket.
  • BitBucket Pull Requests
  • Mentions: Unito does not support user mentions in titles, descriptions, or comments.

Customization options

Here are all the available options for Asana and BitBucket:

Filter issues or cards synced

Unito will sync all items by default but you can customize your workflow by syncing just some of them. 

Filter by issue type

Choose exactly which issue types sync from Bitbucket to Asana.

One-way sync

Change flow direction to sync updates from Asana to Bitbucket or Bitbucket to Asana. 

Map your Bitbucket and Asana users

Keep issues and tasks aligned and assigned to the right teammates by mapping your Bitbucket and Asana users together.

Sync tasks/issues already closed

While Unito syncs open items automatically, you can also include closed items created before your workflow setup

Add BitBucket issue number to task title

Unito doesn't sync the issue number by default but you can enable that in your sync settings by 

linking issue numbers to task titles