An Overview of Unito's Miro Integration

Our Miro integration is officially live! It's currently a lite connector, which means there are some differences between it and other integrations.

Included in this Miro article:

How does Unito's Miro lite integration work?

When an integration on the upcoming integrations page gets enough interest, we start working on adding it to the Unito toolbox. We then release a lite version of the integration so you can get access to it earlier. That opens it up to your feedback so we can tailor it to better fit your use case.

However, there are a few differences between a lite integration and a regular integration that you should know about.

Looking for a step-by-step guide to syncing Miro with other toolsLook no further!

Watch our team sync Miro cards to Wrike

Which Miro fields can be synced by Unito?

Lite integrations don't always support as many fields as their full-featured counterparts. Here are the fields you can sync with our Miro integration, along with which fields can be used in rules.

Quick definitions:

    • One-Way: Changes to the Miro card field will appear in the other synced field but not vice versa.
    • Two-Way: Changes to either synced field will appear in the other.
    • Rules: This card field can be used as a trigger in your rules to filter work items from syncing with Unito.
Miro Card fields One-way Two-way Rules
Card color*
Card ID    
Due date  
Link to card    

*Custom colors aren't yet supported.

What counts as an item in sync?

For Miro, Unito counts every synced card as an item in sync.

What this Miro integration doesn't support (yet!)

Because this is still a lite integration, there are some things you won't be able to do quite yet. Here are a few limitations to keep in mind:

  • Syncing boards without edit permissions: You'll only be able to sync Miro boards that you have editing permissions for.

  • Two-way flows: Currently, you can only sync Miro cards to other tools; you can't sync tasks to Miro. Note that you can still keep all information updated in both tools; you just can't automate Miro card creation with Unito.

  • Adding multiple teams: You can only sync Miro boards from a single team.

  • Real-time updates: Miro's API doesn't support webhooks, so this integration doesn't support real-time updates.

  • Syncing assignees: Being a member of the team is not enough to sync assignees in Miro. In order for assignees to sync properly, you have to explicitly be a member of the board you're syncing cards from. This can be done by clicking on the Share button in the top right corner and inviting them. 

  • Syncing tags: You won't be able to sync these yet.

  • Syncing due dates: This field isn't supported.

Got feedback? Submit a Unito feature request to let us know what you'd like to see in the next update to our Miro integration.