Limitations of Unito's HubSpot Integration

Here's a breakdown of what Unito's HubSpot integration can't do yet — and a few other considerations.

Unito's HubSpot integration is designed with flexibility in mind to help you get the most out of your CRM. You've seen what Unito can do for HubSpot users, so this article will cover what it can't do — yet.

Note that you can use this integration to sync HubSpot tasks, deals, and contacts. Unito's limitations are a bit different for each work item.

What this article covers:

Limitations for syncing HubSpot tasks

  • Initial syncing: Because Unito's first sync has to go through your entire HubSpot instance, the initial sync can take some time. If you don't need all HubSpot tasks synced, you can use rules to seriously decrease the time needed for this initial sync.
  • Syncing comments with HubSpot notes: Currently, you won't be able to sync comments from other tools to HubSpot internal notes.

Limitations for syncing HubSpot deals

Unsupported fields

  • Attachments
  • Comments
  • Notes

Unsupported mappings

  • Company to other fields: Currently, you can only map this field to the description footer in other tools.
  • Contact to other fields: This field can only be synced to the description footer in other tools.
  • Line to other fields: You won't be able to map this to fields other than the description footer in other tools.

Other limitations

  • Webhooks: Due to a limitation in HubSpot's API, Unito can only check for changes in your HubSpot deals every five minutes.
  • Merged deals: These aren't supported currently.
  • Workflow designer: You won't be able to build workflows that sync HubSpot deals quite yet.

Limitations for syncing HubSpot tickets

Unsupported fields

  • Attachments
  • Comments
  • Notes
  • Description footer

Other limitations

  • Workflow designer: You can't build workflows that sync HubSpot tickets quite yet.
  • Webhooks: Due to a limitation in HubSpot's API, Unito can only check for changes in your HubSpot tickets every five minutes.
  • Rich text: HubSpot doesn't support rich text, so you won't be able to sync bolded, italic, or other types of rich text.
  • Statuses: If you sync a work item to HubSpot that doesn't have a status, the first available status will be chosen for it automatically.

Got feedback? Submit a Unito feature request to let us know what you'd like to see in the next update to our HubSpot integration.