What Permissions Are Required for GitHub Users?

Setting up a GitHub workflow through Unito requires a certain number of permissions. Here we outline what these are.

GitHub permissions required to use Unito

You need to both be a member of the organization that owns the repository you want to sync and a collaborator (which is different from a contributor). If your organization has enabled third-party application restrictions, you'll need to follow this step-by-step guide for approving third-party apps in GitHub.

In addition, we need the repository permission that includes “repository webhooks for public and private repositories” to create webhooks. We do not require the admin:repo_hook permission. You can get more information about these permissions here.

Most importantly, Unito will never ask for, or require access to, any code you have stored on GitHub.

Note: We can't sync a repository if it was forked from another repository.

OAuth Scopes

GitHub OAuth scopes