Trello FAQ

What is 2-Way Card Mirror by Unito?

A basic introduction to Unito's Two-Way Card Mirror Power-Up for Trello, a tool that allows you to duplicate cards to multiple boards simultaneously.

Unit's 2-Way Card Mirror Power-Up for Trello

Also known as Mirror, this Trello Power-Up created by Unito allows you to automatically duplicate cards between boards with the push of a button. Then, changes in one card will appear in the other and vice versa. Both will stay completely in sync while you work on either board. Mirror syncs all of the following fields between Trello cards:

  • Attachments
  • Labels
  • Due dates
  • Checklists
  • Custom fields
  • Card title
  • Description
  • Comments

Delegate tasks to team members, send cards from a team board to a centralized project board, share updates with clients — the options are limitless! Mirror enables you to collaborate more efficiently and saves you from endless copying and pasting.

Here's How Mirror Works:

Try it Free!

What if you need to mirror whole boards?

The Mirror power-up for Trello is perfect for copying a card's information and sending it to another card. But what if you want to do this across an entire Trello board? Or maybe you need to get information from Trello into another work management tool, like Asana, Jira, GitHub, and more? That's where Unito's suite of other Power-Ups comes in:

  • 2-Way Board Syncing by Unito: With this Power-Up, you can go from mirroring single cards to effectively mirroring entire boards. Build robust, two-way relationships between your Trello boards, and you can sync information across boards automatically without manually creating a Mirror for each card. This comes in handy especially when building a Trello master board. 

  • Asana + Trello connected with Unito: Need to collaborate with another team working in Asana? With this Power-Up, you can build workflows encompassing Trello and Asana, turning Trello cards into Asana tasks and vice-versa.

  • Connect GitHub + Trello with Unito: If you need to collaborate with developers in GitHub, you can use this Power-Up to sync Trello cards to GitHub issues within individual repositories. Keep an eye on what developers are working on without ever leaving Trello.

  • Connect Jira + Trello With Unito: Get your Jira issues into your Trello boards so that everyone can see what's going on without leaving Trello. New issues can create matching cards and vice versa. Unito's rules let you pick and choose how new issues or cards are created and synced.

  • Connect Wrike + Trello with Unito: With this Power-Up, you can sync cards from entire Trello boards into Wrike projects or folders. That way, everyone can collaborate from the tool they prefer.

  • Connect Zendesk + Trello with Unito: Are your customer support tickets locked in your support tool? With this Power-Up, you can get high-priority tickets into Trello as cards, where everyone can get eyes on them. It's great for ticket escalation queues or looping in multiple teams on bigger support projects.

  • Connect HubSpot + Trello with Unito: Whether you're looking to sync Trello cards with HubSpot tasks, tickets, or deals, Unito has you covered. From support to sales and anywhere in-between, mirror every card from your board to any HubSpot account and back.
  • Connect Notion + Trello with Unito: Gain valuable insights on progress in Trello with no manual work by syncing directly to Notion and build detailed reports.
  • Connect Microsoft Excel + Trello with Unito: Send the details of your Trello cards directly into a spreadsheet to report on progress to stakeholders, share updates, or simply get a better overview of team progress from Excel.
  • Connect Google Sheets + Trello with Unito: Sync Trello cards to rows in Google Sheets and keep everything updated automatically. 
  • Connect Google Calendar + Trello with Unito: Coordinate and plan timelines with team members by turning Trello cards into calendar events and vice versa.

Need to connect a tool that isn't covered by one of Unito's Power-Ups? Then you'll want to check out Unito's standalone app here.