Smartsheet Integration Docs
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How To Install Unito's Smartsheet Integration

Here's a quick step-by-step guide for adding Smartsheet to your Unito account.

In this article:

  • A step-by-step guide for installing Unito's Smartsheet integration

From your Unito dashboard, click on the dropdown menu in the top-right corner of the screen.

Install ADO 1

From there, click on Integrations.

Install ADO 2

This will take you to the list of integrations Unito supports. All integrations with a portrait next to them have already been added to your workspace.

Install ADO 2 point 5

Scroll down until you find Smartsheet, then click on Connect account.

Smartsheet install

If you're not already logged in, you'll get this screen. Log in with your Smartsheet account.

Smartsheet install 2

On this next screen, click Allow.

Smartsheet install 3

And that's it! You've installed Unito's Smartsheet integration. Hit Got it and build your first flow!