Google Ads and Google Analytics GA4
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A Guide to Unito's Google Analytics Integration

Ready to start syncing data from Google Analytics (GA4)? Here's everything you need to know.

In this Google Analytics integration article:

Unito syncs your Google Analytics data to other apps and tools automatically. All you have to do is create a flow that turns your rows into tasks, spreadsheet rows, tickets, or another work item.

Note: Our Google Analytics integration is currently a Lite connector, which means it doesn't yet offer the full functionality of our other integrations. We'll be adding new features and functionality over the next few months based on demand.

What does Unito sync from Google Analytics?

Unito syncs rows from accounts, properties, and reports in Google Analytics to other tools. You can use this integration to track and report on marketing data in spreadsheets and other tools.

Which Google Analytics fields sync with Unito?

You can sync all metrics and dimensions from rows in Google Analytics to other tools.

You can also build two different types of rules, using either dimensions or metrics:

  • Dimensions rules: You have three options when setting these rules. Your flow can sync only rows that are exactly a specific value, that contain a specific value, or begin with a specific value.
  • Metrics rules: When using a metric in your rules, you can choose to sync rows where the metric is greater or less than a certain amount.

You can specify these rules even further:

  • Dimension value is X
  • Dimension value contains X
  • Metric value is equal, above, or below X

You can also choose how many rows you want to sync to other tools and how many a user in your workspace can edit.

Other things to keep in mind

Block of work selection

When setting up a Unito flow, you need to pick a block of work to sync work items from. For Google Analytics, you'll need to select a few more things before you can start building your flow:

  • A GA Poperty
  • The Report you'll be syncing data out of
  • Dimensions
  • Metrics
  • Date Range

Here's what that looks like in the Unito app.

Screen Shot 2024-01-15 at 3.55.23 PM

Limitations of this integration

Since this is one of our Lite integrations, you won't be able to do everything with Google Analytics that a full Unito integration can.

  • One-way integration: Two-way syncing isn't currently supported with this integration. Data can only be synced from Google Analytics to other tools.
  • Google Analytics segments: These aren't currently supported by this integration due to a limitation in Google's API.
  • Multiple date ranges: These aren't currently supported by this integration, but we hope to support them soon!
  • Editing dimension/metric selection after launching flows: Once your flow is launched, you won't be able to change the dimensions or metrics you've selected for syncing.

Watch our Google Analytics 4 integration in action